Leading students to Jesus, Connecting students to each other
Compassion Student strive to be the place students, age 12-18, want to come.
A place where they are connected with other students, connected to a a Small Group Mentor, and most importantly connected to God. We don’t take the time we have together lightly. We’re reaching the next generation!
Worship Service
Date & Time
Consectetur augue consectetur convallis turpis ac nam a vestibulum per leo a parturient blandit nibh a congue lobortis senectus nascetur a ullamcorper consectetur senectus sed dolor mi.
Small Groups
Date & Time
Consectetur augue consectetur convallis turpis ac nam a vestibulum per leo a parturient blandit nibh a congue lobortis senectus nascetur a ullamcorper consectetur senectus sed dolor mi.
Your First Visit
Here’s what to expect when visiting Compassion Students for the first time:
First, look for our Compassion Students VIP banner. That’s you! You’re a VIP. One of our student leaders will meet you there and get you connected. It won’t take long to meet other students before we start large group and then break into small groups. We believe that the most important time during our service is when we break into small groups. Why? You get the opportunity to connect with other students in your grade, grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus through discussion and being connected to a Small Group Mentor.
Meet Our Student Director
John Doe
Maecenas massa nunc a vestibulum parturient sociis nam enim venenatis netus tempus odio mi suspendisse erat. Scelerisque fames fermentum amet a elit id eu a a aliquet a et non condimentum aliquam libero curabitur sagittis consectetur vulputate vestibulum a. Vestibulum eros dis purus sagittis sociis consectetur consectetur class enim netus dui dapibus ullamcorper a habitant et cras vivamus odio est in a.